
Wiesbaden network upgrades

Installation-wide upgrades Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

Between November and January, TKS will be upgrading and testing the network connectivity in all buildings located on-post in Wiesbaden. This is the initial phase of a major technical upgrade that will set the stage for the introduction of new TKS services including Gigabit internet connectivity.

The upgrades will result in a one-time TKS service outage at each building which could last for between 60 and 90 minutes. The work will be performed in the building’s utility area, access to an individual apartment is not required. TKS services impacted include easyConnect telephone and internet services, and easyTV.

Because of various technical and logistic factors it will not be possible to provide an exact time and date of the upgrade and outage for each individual building. No work however is planned on weekends or on holidays.

Quick Facts: upgrades / outages

Where: on-post facilities Wiesbaden

When: Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

Outage times: Mon - Fri, 7:00 - 16:30

Frequency: one outage per building

Outage duration: 60 - 90 min.

Action required: none, all services automatically restart